Joint Advanced Seminars , JAS 1 for cohort 5 fellows and JAS 4
for cohort 2 fellows will be held concurrently on March 2-27, 2015 in Nairobi
Kenya. JAS 1 will focus on building the fellows’ critical
thinking skills, technical skills and other core research competencies. In
addition, it will introduce fellows to essential concepts and seminal articles
of relevance to their discipline. JAS 4 is aimed at addressing professional development including skills
necessary to raise and manage research funds, grant writing and research
management, development of courses, management of large classroom sizes, and
supervision of graduate students. JAS 4 is also designed to serve as an
opportunity for senior fellows to practice mentoring of junior fellows through
discussion and laboratory sessions, software training, and general information
sharing. The seminars will be organized into four consecutive weeks of teaching,
each covering a range of topics.
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