Wednesday, 28 January 2015

FNIH welcomes applications for The Heart Truth® Community Action Program grants

The Foundation for the National Institutes of Health is pleased to announce a call for applications for The Heart Truth® Community Action Program grants. Online applications are due by 1:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) on March 25, 2015.
Part of The Heart Truth program developed by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), the Community Action Program funds organizations to promote The Heart Truth message to a geographically broad audience and to re-grant funds to partner organizations or affiliates that will in turn implement community-level activities that motivate women to take personal action to lower or control their risk for heart disease. Priority will be given to applicants with the ability to reach women at increased risk for heart disease, particularly women of color and/or low income and in rural areas.
Grants ranging from $100,000 - $200,000 will be awarded for a one-year period. The full Request for Applications and online application instructions are available at

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Joint Advanced Seminars 1 & 4 to be held in Nairobi, Kenya

Joint Advanced Seminars , JAS 1 for cohort 5 fellows and JAS 4 for cohort 2 fellows will be held concurrently on March 2-27, 2015 in Nairobi Kenya. JAS 1 will focus on building the fellows’ critical thinking skills, technical skills and other core research competencies. In addition, it will introduce fellows to essential concepts and seminal articles of relevance to their discipline. JAS 4 is aimed at addressing professional development including skills necessary to raise and manage research funds, grant writing and research management, development of courses, management of large classroom sizes, and supervision of graduate students. JAS 4 is also designed to serve as an opportunity for senior fellows to practice mentoring of junior fellows through discussion and laboratory sessions, software training, and general information sharing. The seminars will be organized into four consecutive weeks of teaching, each covering a range of topics.

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Annual Bank Conference on Africa - Berkeley, June 8-9 2015

We are pleased to share the Call for Papers for the Annual Bank Conference on Africa (ABCA) 2015, to be held on June 8-9, 2015, in Berkeley, California.

The title of the conference is “Confronting Conflict and Fragility in Africa.” Full papers are due on January 31, 2015 at <>.

The Annual Bank Conference on Africa

Berkeley, California (USA), June 8-9, 2015

Confronting Conflict and Fragility in Africa

Call for Papers
The second Annual Bank Conference on Africa (ABCA) will be held in Berkeley, California, on June 8-9, 2015. It will cover various topics pertinent to the causes, solutions, and understanding of conflict and fragility in sub-Saharan Africa. It is being organized jointly by the Center for Effective Global Action (CEGA) at the University of California at Berkeley and the World Bank (Office of the Chief Economist for the Africa Region).

The conference will include a Keynote Address by Professor Edward Miguel (UC Berkeley and Faculty Director, CEGA), and opening remarks by Makhtar Diop (World Bank Vice-President for the Africa Region), as well as invited contributions by Chris Blattman (Columbia University), James Fenske (Oxford University), and other senior scholars.

Submitted papers with a focus on Africa are now welcome on any of the following topics:
·  analysis of the causes and duration of conflict and violence
·  the impacts of conflict or fragility on: economic growth and poverty reduction; trade and foreign investment; public service delivery; environment and natural resources
·  the impacts of government policies on conflict and fragility
·  links between climate, conflict and fragility
·  the political economy of ending conflicts
·  data and measurement issues pertinent to conflict and fragility

As well as papers that examine the following in the context of conflict or fragility:
·  economic growth, urbanization, structural transformation, agriculture, education, health, labor, safety nets, or gender
Full papers should be submitted in PDF format by January 31, 2015. Submissions should be e-mailed to, and will be considered by a program committee including Edward Miguel (UC Berkeley), David Evans, Francisco Ferreira, and Laura Chioda (World Bank). Decisions will be made by February 28. Limited funds to support travel for successful African presenters may be available.

Call for Applications - HRP Alliance Competitive Intraregional Grant

HRP is the main body within the United Nations system with a global mandate to lead research in sexual and reproductive health and rights and to conduct research capacity strengthening (RCS) as a core activity.

Since the inception of HRP in 1972, the grants allocated for institutional capacity strengthening have served as the main instrument for promoting essential national research to address priority needs in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC).

In order to strengthen its Research Capacity Strengthening (RCS) and expand regional networking “The HRP Alliance” has recently been established. The HRP Alliance promotes and funds research, training institutional development, and networking that increases the participation of low- and middle-income countries in the generation and use of new knowledge for promoting sexual and reproductive health. It aims to increase coordination and collaboration between HRP priority research areas and research capacity strengthening efforts.

Applications from institutions and research teams based in LMICs based on World Bank classifications are invited for a Competitive Intraregional Grant (CIR) to support research capacity strengthening and improve the quality of care for the sexual and reproductive health services in countries and regions.

For further details, visit the WHO website

Friday, 16 January 2015

Introducing the Carnegie Fund for Conference Attendance

New Year’s greetings from Carnegie Corporation.  As 2015 begins, I’m delighted to share with you a new project that we hope will be of interest to postgraduate students and postdoctoral fellows who have benefited from Corporation-supported programs in your institutions.

The Corporation’s board of trustees recently approved a grant for the Carnegie Fund for Conference Attendance (CFCA), a competitive fund to support African beneficiaries of Corporation-supported postgraduate degree and postdoctoral programs to present papers at major international conferences.  A list of eligible Corporation-supported programs is attached.  Since 2008, the Corporation’s primary strategy in Africa has been to assist in the development and retention of the next generation of African academics through support for African universities, postgraduate training networks, and fellowship programs.  Close to 1,000 fellows at masters, doctoral, and postdoctoral levels have received support.  This fund is meant to enable a selection of those fellows who have papers accepted for presentation at major international conferences to heighten their visibility within their disciplines and expand their professional networks.

The fund will be managed by the Institute of International Education (IIE).  For those of you not familiar with the organization, IIE is among the world’s largest and most experienced international exchange organizations, whose mission it is to advance international education and access to education worldwide. IIE currently implements more than 200 programs, benefiting over 30,000 men and women from 185 nations. Funders include the U.S. Department of State in support of the Fulbright Program, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID); major philanthropic foundations; private and public corporations; foreign governments; and individuals.

More information about the fund and details of the application process will be available soon from IIE, but the basic outline is as follows:
  • Between 100 and 120 conference attendance awards will be made on a competitive basis by the end of 2016.
  • A first call for applications will be made by IIE by February 28, 2015, with a deadline for submission on April 30, 2015.  Two other calls for applications will follow.
  • Applicants must hold an academic appointment at an African university and must have completed a postgraduate degree or postdoctoral fellowship with substantial Corporation support or be a current Corporation-supported fellow in good standing.
  • Beneficiaries who have completed their doctoral or master’s degrees or postdoctoral fellowships will be given first priority for awards, followed by doctoral candidates and current postdoctoral fellows, and, finally, master’s candidates.
Selections will be made by an IIE-constituted committee on the basis of the following criteria: 
1) significance of the conference to the applicant’s field (in this instance, “international” refers to the composition of the conference attendees rather than the geographic location of the conference)
2) distance of the conference from the applicant’s university
3) the strength of the applicant’s plan to make the most of the opportunity, both for his or her own professional development and for his or her department/faculty/university.  

Awards will be made provisionally and finalized only upon receipt of proof of acceptance of a paper for presentation.

IIE looks forward to developing an ongoing relationship with all CFCA stakeholders and is prepared to respond to questions regarding eligibility to participate in the CFCA, status of applications submitted for review, and inquiries on the selection process overall.  Inquiries regarding the above can be sent to  Helene Mantell and Brenton Harper, who will oversee and manage the fund, will be in touch with you shortly with additional information and to request your assistance to advise them on conferences that are particularly significant in the disciplines prioritized in your Corporation-supported programs.