Wednesday, 30 July 2014

University of Malawi appoints Dr. Kamija Phiri, as a co-focal person

The University of Malawi (UNIMA) appointed Dr Kamija Phiri, Associate Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, and currently the Dean of Public Health and Family Medicine and former Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research as a CARTA co-focal person. Dr Phiri replaces Dr. Wilson Mandala, who has assumed the Associate Directorship Position at the Malawi-Liverpool-Welcome Trust Research Program at the UNIMA College of Medicine. Dr. Phiri is an accomplished researcher and a recipient of the Third Annual (2012) Merle A. Sande Health Leadership Award awarded by the Accordia Global Health Foundation.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Prof. Kimani Murugaru, new Focal Person, University of Nairobi

The University of Nairobi, Population Studies and Research Institute (PSRI) has a new Director. Prof. Murungaru Kimani replaced the long serving Director of PSRI Prof. Lawrence Ikamari who will now concentrate on research and teaching at the University.  The new Director of PSRI, Prof. Murugaru  holds a BSc. In Mathematics and Statistics; a MSc in Population Studies; and a PhD. in Population Studies and will be the new focal person at the University of Nairobi.

Dr. Jane Kengeya-Kayondo of the Wellcome Trust, Joins the Faculty and Administrators' Workshop

Dr. Jane Kengeya-Kayondo (standing) interacts with participants at the CARTA FAS Workshop, Makerere University, July 23, 2014
Dr. Jane Kengeya-Kayondo, the Wellcome Trust, Special Adviser for Africa joined the Faculty and Administrators' group in Makerere on July 23. 2014. Dr. Kengeya-Kayondo interacted with the participants before addressing them on the continued support Wellcome Trust has been extending to CARTA since inception. She also shared with the participants, the new opportunities the Trust has in place for the next funding cycle period.  She noted that she is an alumnus of Makerere University .

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Dr Esimai Olapeju Adefunke - Joins the CARTA Office at OAU

Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU)  has an additional person as CARTA focal person.  Dr Esimai Olapeju Adefunke an  Associate Professor /Consultant in department of Community Health joins Prof. Antony Aluko Mabayoje in the running of CARTA affairs at OAU.  Dr. Esimai has a master’s degree in Environmental control and management from  OAU and a master’s degree in bioethics from University of Ibadan. Additionally, Dr. Esimai is a fellow of Public Health in the National Post Graduate College of Physicians and West African College of Physicians and was awarded a graduate diploma degree in Early Childhood Development by the Virtual University of Victoria , Canada and certificate in Monitoring and Evaluation.

At OAU, Dr. Esimai is a lecturer in the Departments of Community Health, Medical Rehabilitation and Nursing focusing on Reproductive Health, Epidemiology, Nutrition and Environmental Health.  She is the current coordinator of the Master of Public Health program and her research interests are in the area of Reproductive Health, Nutrition and Environmental Health. Previously, Dr. Esimai worked as a Consultant to agencies like WHO, USAID , UNICEF, The National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA).  In all these agencies, she greatly contributed to knowledge in the areas of Epidemiology, International and Environmental Health.

CARTA's 5th Faculty and Administrators' Staff Workshop, Makerere University Kampala

Makerere University Administration Block
Makerere University, will host over 100 delegates from CARTA Partner institutions for a three-day workshop from July 21 - 23, 2014 in Kampala Uganda.  This is the fifth such training where participants are drawn from faculty members who recently acquired their PhDs, Librarians, Information and Technology staff, public relations officers, and finance personnel among others.

CARTA aims at strengthening research management capacity at African universities, by taking participants through a process of learning, experience sharing of best practices in order to be able to effectively support CARTA doctoral training offered through a model collaborative PhD program in population and public health.